Institute of Chemistry of Ireland

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of our dear friend and colleague, Dr James Philip Ryan, FICI, who has fulfilled the role of Honorary Secretary of The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland for over 30 years. Our condolences are extended to his wife Fidelma, his sister Sheila, nieces and nephews and extended family.

The funeral took place at the Church of St. Therese, Mount Merrion.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis

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Dr Peter Start RIP

It is with great saddness that we have discovered the recent death of one of our founding members Dr Peter Start from UCD. He was also one of the original judges of the Young Scientist Exhibition.

Peter was a senior lecturer in Chemistry in UCD and served for 14 years as UCD safety officer. He was joint founder and academic director of the UCD Centre for Safety and Health at Work, established in 1991. He played a major part in the development of UCD’s Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, first offered in 1989, one of the first Irish professional education programmes in OSH.

To date over 8,000 people have graduated from UCD Safety and Health courses which is a testament to Peter’s major contribution to helping to make Ireland’s workplaces safer and healthier.

A chartered fellow of IOSH and a founding member of IOSH Ireland Branch, Peter was also a Life Governor of the Security Institute of Ireland, a fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland and of the Royal Society of Chemistry and was a chartered chemist. He was awarded OSH Person of the Year by IOSH Ireland in 2012. 

He will be sadly missed by his friends and colleagues and is remembered by many former students. We offer our sincere condolences to Peter’s family at this time.

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