Science Journal & Advertisements

Contributor Guidelines for our Journal ‘SCIENCE’.
- We welcome well-illustrated articles about science and science teaching in Ireland and beyond. The article can be directly relevant to the current Leaving Certificate or Junior Certificate courses, tips and tricks that aid teaching, background theory or articles of more general interest including historical articles, visits and trips to interesting museums or other venues like parks or industrial tours, new developments and research etc. Indeed anything that our readership might find interesting.
- We cover all areas of science teaching in Irish post primary and primary schools and our membership consists mainly of second level science teachers as well as a growing number of primary teachers.
- We also welcome articles issues such as the environment and global warming; flora and fauna; health and safety; space science, astronomy, electronics etc. The list is almost endless, as long as the topic is related to some aspect of science and that you think would interest our readers.
- As a general rule we would suggest that you limit your article to a maximum of 1,600 words. However more in-depth articles may exceed this. Brief footnotes, information about equipment, costs, safety etc, and a clear diagram are all very helpful also.
- Please also include 5-6 high-resolution digital photographs, which should each be at least 500-600 kb in file size, together with captions and credits, and a brief biography stating the area of science teaching you are involved in, your school, college, industry etc and any other relevant or interesting details. A high-resolution portrait photo of the author is also required, with a file size of at least 500-600Kb.
- We welcome branch profiles and reports of branch trips of note, etc. These can be up to 1,000 words in length and should be accompanied by high-resolution photographs, again with a file size of at least 500-600 Kb and accompanied by captions and credits.
- We also welcome relevant news items (max 300 words), snippets of news (max 100 words) or other useful and relevant information, all with suitable photographs, if possible. News items accompanied by a relevant high-resolution photo are more likely to be printed.
- Please submit all contributions in Word or a plane text file by email, as an attachment (or even as an email), or by a file sharing service. If you do not have your article in electronic format, please supply a clean copy, typed on one side of the page preferably, so that can we can scan it into Word. Charts and diagrams should be supplied as a separate file if possible but if they are included in the body of the main document please keep the layout and formatting to a minimum as the file will need to be taken apart anyway – complex layouts and formatting of word documents only adds work to producing the final article in the journal.
- Hard copies of text or photographs should be sent to: Sean Fogarty, Rocklands, Hempfield, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Y21P5P9.
- Material and photos in an electronic format should be sent by email to:
- NB: Relevant high-resolution photos should always accompany articles. Ideally, a selection of 5 to 6 shots should be sent electronically with captions and credits, please, from which 3 or 4 can be chosen. We can also use good quality prints, slides or transparencies, when necessary, but prefer digital images. Always label them with your name and address and a caption. One or two photos of the author against a relevant backdrop should accompany an article,
- NB: To print photos received electronically, we need them as reasonably sized files of at least 500-600 Kb. Digital photo files can be accepted by email or a file sharing service (or on CD / memory stick posted to the address above).
- Our artwork is sent to print at 300 dpi and, ideally, this should be the resolution of any digital images/art-work submitted for inclusion in SCIENCE.
- Slides, transparencies and prints submitted will be handled with the greatest care and returned in protective packaging. CDs / memory sticks will not be returned unless specified.
- Whilst every precaution is taken for the secure delivery and return of material sent to us, it is ultimately submitted at the owner’s risk. It usually takes several weeks from receipt of photos to publication, so please bear with us. Hard-copy photos (transparencies or prints) will be returned as soon as possible following the printing of the issue of SCIENCE in which they appear.
- We do not pay for contributions to the journal and the SCIENCE editorial staff are all volunteers as are all officers of the ISTA.
- For information on advertising in SCIENCE, please see our Rate Card available on our website or contact our Advertising Sales Director, Aodhagán Ó Súilleabháin at
Sean Fogarty, Editor August 2019
Advertising in SCIENCE Ireland’s journal for members of the Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA) (Circulation of 1300 copies each issue to membership plus 100 copies to retail sales/distribution list)
ISTA non-members rates | ISTA members rates | |||||
Editions Per Year | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Full Page | €400 | 2 × €375 | 3 × €350 | €300 | 2 × €275 | 3 × €250 |
Half Page | €350 | 2 × €325 | 3 × €300 | €250 | 2 × €225 | 3 × €100 |
Quarter Page | €300 | 2 × €275 | 3 × €250 | €200 | 2 × €175 | 3 × €150 |
e.g. Three ISTA non-member quarter page ads will cost a total of €750. Three ISTA member quarter page ads will cost €450.
Insert Rates: Inserts by negotiation and dependent on weight and size. Please contact us for details.
Mechanical information
Trim size of finished publication: 297 mm x 210 mm
Bleed size: 3 mm
Full page bleed: 303 mm x 216 mm
Two page spread bleed: 303 mm x 426 mm
We work with Adobe InDesign. Please supply finished artwork in any of the following formats:
- Adobe PDF
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- High-quality jpeg or png files.
Deadlines: Publication dates: November, March & May. Advertising deadlines: October, February & April.
Contact: Advertising Sales Director: Aodhagán Ó Súilleabháin at Editor: Seán Fogarty at