One Good Idea winners 2015

Team “Back 2 Basics” from St Aloysius College, Cork were announced Overall Winners of the One Good Idea competition 2015 with their campaign which encouraged primary school children to use less technology, play outside and exercise more. The winning team got €2,000 for their school, tablets for each team member and a €250 voucher for their teacher.

2015 was the first year that Primary Schools were invited to enter the competition and 6 amazing teams made it to the finals and impressed the judges no end. After much deliberation the judges announced Ardfert National School from Co Kerry as Primary Winners 2015. Their campaign called “Ardfert Super Savers” targeted energy wasting behaviour in the schools and demonstrated how by making simple changes they could save energy, money and reduce carbon emissions. Congratulations to all who participated in the One Good Idea!


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