Physics Hooks Series

The Physics Hooks Series offers science educators a collection of videos that capture novel and engaging aspects of Physics. The hooks aim to grab the learner’s attention by capturing what is interesting and engaging about a range of science topics. These resources were developed by a collaborative project team comprising lecturers and students in the School of Education in NUI Galway.

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Science in Art Workshop for Teens in NUI Galway

FREE once-off Science in Art Workshop for Teens aged 14-18years will take place on Saturday 30th April 13:30-16:30 at NUI Galway. It will be run by the ‘Explore Science in Art’ project team. The workshop will blur the boundaries between art and science by showing the scientific method and principles involved in art and the creativity required in science.

SciFest Grand Award winners 2011 take on the world and win top award

Congratulations to Ruairi O’Neill and Eoghan Flynn, whose project, entitled ‘Polyfuel: A Novel Solution to Fuel Shortages and Disposal of ELPs’ was awarded second place at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Ruairi O’Neill and Eoghan Flynn from Blackwater Community School, Lismore, Co. Waterford, represented SciFest and Ireland at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last week and proved that science education in Ireland is still among the best in the world.

Their project, entitled ‘Polyfuel: A Novel Solution to Fuel Shortages and Disposal of ELPs’ was awarded second place in the Environmental Management Category ($1500).

Ruairi and Eoghan were awarded the Intel Best Project Award in SciFest@CollegeWIT in April 2011. In October they competed in SciFest@Intel alongside the other SciFest@College winners, one from each IT and from the University of Ulster. As overall winners at SciFest@Intel their prize was to represent Ireland at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 13-18 May 2012.

Congratulations again to Ruairi and Eoghan and to their teacher David King.

Not forgetting Sheila Porter who is the backbone of SciFest – Comhghairdeas!


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