Science in Art Workshop for Teens in NUI Galway

FREE once-off Science in Art Workshop for Teens aged 14-18years will take place on Saturday 30th April 13:30-16:30 at NUI Galway. It will be run by the ‘Explore Science in Art’ project team. The workshop will blur the boundaries between art and science by showing the scientific method and principles involved in art and the creativity required in science.

Participants will:

– chemically synthesise pigments for paintings as they were made hundreds of years ago and use them to create their own artwork
– synthesise an organic dye and use it and others to tie dye a small bit of clothing
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Also exposing the idea that science and art aren’t mutually exclusive, two free talks take place at NUI Galway on Friday 6th May 17:00 -18:30 in the Anderson Lecture theatre.

Hear from a conservation scientist about how science helps us understand art better and from a scientist on how understanding art and being creative helps science!

“From Art to Science and back again…” by Dr Peter Crowley, School of Chemistry, National University of Ireland, Galway at 17:00

“Lapis & Gold: looking at manuscripts through the eyes of a Conservator” by Ms. Kristine Rose Beers, Chester Betty Library, Dublin at 17:30

Both in Anderson Lecture theatre, Arts and Science Building, NUI Galway. Book on line:

“Can science help you understand art better?”, a talk by Dr Spike Bucklow, Hamilton-Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.

Monday 9th May 17:30 – 18:30
Anderson Lecture theatre, Arts and Science Building, NUI Galway.
Book on line:

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