About ISTA
The Irish Science Teachers’ Association (ISTA), Eol Oidí na hÉireann, is the Professional Association for the Teachers of Science in the Republic of Ireland.
ISTA is one of the largest voluntary subject associations in the country with branches in the following areas: Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Limerick, Louth, Monaghan, Midlands (Athlone), Sligo, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford.
ISTA was founded in 1961 and has over 1400 members from all sectors of education in fourteen Branches nationwide.

The ISTA functions as a body dedicated to the professional development of its members and the advancement of science teaching. Membership is open to teachers of science and others involved in science education. The Association works to develop co-operation between teachers of science at all levels. It aims to keep members up to date with changes in their subjects and with new ideas in teaching, learning and assessment. The ISTA helps members to promote a positive attitude amongst their students towards science and technology in society.
Branches hold frequent meetings of interest to Science teachers, and the Association has had representation on the various syllabus committees which drew up the revised programmes in the various Science subjects. The Association has several Sub-Committees which do valuable work in the various subject areas.
The ISTA holds an Annual Conference in the Spring of each year with a very broad programme of interest to people in different areas of Science education. The 50th AGM was held in Trinity College Dublin during European City of Science in 2012. We are delighted that All Hallow’s College & St. Patrick’s Institute of Education, DCU, will be the host venue for 2019.
ISTA has close affiliations with ASE UK and Scotland and is also a member of the International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE)

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