BASF Summer School for Chemistry Teachers
Attached please find details of the 12th Annual BASF Summer School for Chemistry Teachers which will be held in University College Cork on Wednesday 21st June 2023.
This Summer School involves a partnership between BASF, PDST, ISTA Cork Branch, RSC, and UCC. The theme for the Summer School is Great ideas and teaching resources for teachers of Leaving Certificate and Transition Year Chemistry.
The Summer School for Chemistry Teachers has always proved very popular with teachers. We will give you a warm welcome to UCC and look after you very well. In addition to covering a wide range of topics for teaching Leaving Certificate and Transition Year chemistry, you will obtain lots of good teaching ideas and resources, you will enjoy a nice four-course lunch in the UCC staff dining room and, thanks to sponsorship of Molymod kits from the Molymod company, you will be entered into a draw for a raffle of Molymod kits that will take place on the day!
All bookings must be made via PDST on the online booking form which is available at:
If you have any queries regarding registration or encounter difficulty with booking, please contact Seán Arthur at I would like to take this opportunity to thank Seán and his colleagues in PDST for handling all the administration involved in registration and processing travel and subsistence paperwork.
Certificates of Attendance will be presented to all teachers who attend this continuing professional development course.