Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction (CR) is a European project looking to recruit 10 teachers interested in enhancing approaches to Inquiry Based Science Education. All methodologies used are coherent with the revised science syllabus and the work is conducted as community of practice that emphasises sharing ideas in a truly developmental process. The school is paid directly for your participation and everything is written up by the CR team in a folder that captures the learning for School Self Evaluation purposes.

The work is based in University of Limerick (we recruit nationwide, travel expenses are met and hotels are offered for overnight stays where needed) where we hold a national conference to decide on a team of students and teachers to represent Ireland at an international conference that will be held in Bulgaria.

The ideal class to do this with is TY but we have worked with 1st years in the past. Previous teachers have reported on this as a very enjoyable experience and as a significant professional development opportunity. If this is something you think you might be interested in please give John O’Reilly a call on 0872201305

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Invitation to Science Professional Development Programme

Chain Reaction is focused on creating a Professional Learning Community (PLC) of science teachers and teacher educators to make sense of and improve Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) across 12 European countries.

Chain Reaction is a European funded programme led by Dr. John O’Reilly of the department of Education and Professional Studies, and the National Centre for Excellence in Maths and Science Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick.

This involves workshops to understand and develop IBSE in classrooms and laboratories through collaborative planning and supported school visits to enhance practice.

During this time practicing scientists will visit schools as role models to engage in dialogue with students about the scientific process.

Work culminates in a national conference where a voting process selects a group to progress and represent the learning of Irish students and teachers at an international conference. 

Benefits of participation include:

  • Collaborating with colleagues to deeply understand and develop IBSE in a practice-focused approach that focuses on participant ownership
  • Capturing all of this in a manner that will be written up in accordance with the School Self Evaluation process
  • Being well prepared for future developments in science syllabi in Ireland
  • All participation in the project to include out of class work, online discussions, planning etc. are covered by project funds paid directly to the school

Chain Reaction are looking for 5 schools to join the team and build on the learning of the successful first year of the project. Ideally 2 teachers (with junior science or TY classes) will participate in each school as this allows professional colleagues to support each other’s learning for a total of 10 teachers. If you think this may be of interest to you please contact John O’Reilly though the following

Phone: (061) 233744


Alternatively, for more information you can visit our website at the following address

A summary of year 1 of the project is provided at the following link

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