Come along and get involved in some Physics Busking!

Next week Physics Busking is hosting a free communications workshop in DCU, while June events will include Bloom in the Phoenix Park and CoderDojo at RDS.

Physics Busking is delighted to announce a number of training and engagement events this Summer. So whether you fancy heading along to do some Physics Busking at Bloom or would like to explore some more demos, there’s sure to be something of interest. If you could like to get involved, let them know so that they can make this a fizzy fun summer of Physics.

Check out our website for further details and to register to get involved.

Sign-up to our mailing list to keep updated.

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Physics Buskers

Are you a science enthusiast? Would you like to bring science to the streets, parks and fields of Ireland? Come and join our team of Physics Buskers, a merry group of science teachers and scientists, whose mission it is to increase public engagement in science.

Who are we? Physics Busking was established in Ireland in 2005, through a collaboration between the Institute of Physics in Ireland and CASTeL at Dublin City University, with the aim of promoting science and increasing public engagement in science.  An extended lineup of events is scheduled over the coming year and includes performances during National Science Week, Electric Picnic, Festival of Curiosity, Bloom, Body & Soul, National Ploughing Champions as well as festivals of science in Mallow and Galway.  Participation and engagement at all of these events has been possible through funding received from SFI’s Discover Programme, which seeks to promote the awareness and engagement of the Irish public with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Getting involved!  To join our team, please register here and avail of a FREE 2 hour workshop to develop your science communication and demonstration skills, in preparation for this year’s line-up.  Places are open to science teachers, researchers and other science enthusiasts.

Date: Monday, 3rd November, 2014

Time: 17:00h – 19:30h (Registration & Refreshments at 17:00h, workshop to begin at 17:30h)

Where: Room NG25, School of Physical Sciences Building, DCU.

About the workshop:  In this workshop, you will get a chance to meet some of our more experienced buskers and see them in action, as they show you some of their favourite science demonstrations. Then, it will be over to you! With props and support, you will get the chance to develop your individual style for demonstrating science.

If you would like further information on Physics Busking, or contact Eilish on 01-7005862 or Paul on 087 2719349.

We look forward to you joining our Physics Busking jamboree!

Physics Busking Team

RDS STEM Learning Facilitator programme 15/16

The RDS is calling for Expressions of Interest from Primary school teachers interested in participating in the 2015 /2016 RDS STEM Learning Facilitator programme to become peer-leaders in science and maths primary education.  

Full details are available to download at and the deadline for Expressions of Interest is Wednesday, May 21, 2015.

Those interested in finding out more are welcome to attend an information evening in the RDS at 6pm on May 6th and can pre-register by emailing


RDS STEM Learning is an innovative and interactive professional development programme aimed at developing participants’ pedagogical and conceptual knowledge of science. The programme places a strong emphasis on inquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning science at primary school level. The programme also aims to increase teachers’ confidence in teaching science and bring together a professional learning community.

RDS STEM Learning was developed and piloted from 2012 – 2014 by the RDS, St Patrick’s College of Education and CASTeL, SPD/DCU. Following a successful external evaluation of the project, it is now being scaled-up in partnership with SFI Discover. Through this partnership the RDS and the SFI Discover, Discover Primary Science & Maths Programme (DPSM)/ESERO CPD programme, offer a range of continuous professional development opportunities in science and maths education to primary school teachers.

Please feel free to circulate this notice to anyone for whom it may be of interest.



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