Corporate Membership Benefits
- You will be part of the professional body of science teachers in Ireland.
- Each year you will receive 3 issues of the ISTA journal SCIENCE. This journal contains numerous articles of interest and will help to keep your company informed of developments in science education.
- You will be kept informed of all events that are organised by the ISTA at local and national level.
- You will have direct access to over 1200 science teachers in Ireland.
- You may advertise in SCIENCE journal for a reduced fee. The normal fee is €300 for a full-page advertisement in the journal. The fee for ISTA corporate members is €200.
- You will receive circulars and e-mails to keep you up to date with various events happening at National and International level. You will also be able to ask the local ISTA branch to inform its members of events that you are organising in your company that are relevant to second level science students.
- You will be entitled to a reduced course fee at the ISTA Annual Conference.
- The name of your company will be listed in the ISTA journal as a company that is a corporate member of ISTA.
- Your support of science education in Ireland will be greatly appreciated.