Earth & Space Teaching & Learning

Back by popular demand we are rerunning the ESERO and JCT, ‘Supporting Earth & Space Teaching and Learning’ from last year.

They ESERO are bringing you “flipped CPD”. In partnership with the Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) they are delighted to offer CPD with a difference. On registration, they will send you a pack of materials and classroom resources to engage with prior to the online experience. You will then join other teachers for a live online discussion on your learning and observations (21st September @7.00pm).  Register here

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European Space Education Resource Office

ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) Ireland website is now live . It will act as a signpost to ESA (European Space Agency) education resources and space related teacher’s workshops, competitions, conferences and news.

ESERO is a partnership between Discovery Science and Engineering and the European Space Agency. Ireland is now the fifth country with its own ESERO.

ESERO aims to inspire and engage young people in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), using space as a theme and making Ireland’s space industry more accessible to students and the public. It also provides a point of contact for teachers, lecturers and others seeking information about space education.

One of the initial tasks in piloting was mapping the existing ESA education material to the Irish Junior Science curriculum see:

During Science Week 2010 a workshop for teachers called ‘Web Of Stars’ in Blackrock Castle Observatory was piloted.

Earth Festival – Science through Art: A collaborative learning experience

The UCD Earth Institute, in association with An Cosán Glas, is delighted to announce Earth Festival, an exciting merging of art and science. You and your school are invited to the exhibition presented in Letterkenny Town Park on 11th-13th November 2014 as part of Ireland’s National Science Week.

You can get more information or book your school in to the event by phoning Edward on 01 716 2681.

Demand has been very high and there are only spaces free on the Wednesday morning (12th) and on Thursday (13th)

The experience, which is suitable for inquisitive minds of all ages, is being specifically developed for young people between the ages of 12 and 16.

The Donegal-based artist group An Cosán Glas will be exhibiting a series of specially commissioned illuminated sculptures at the Letterkenny Town Park as part of Science Week. The inspiration for the sculptures comes from interactions with doctoral researchers on the Earth and Natural Sciences Doctoral Studies Programme.

To compliment the sculpture trail, as series of workshops and seminars are being prepared and delivered by the artists of An Cosan Glas and staff and researchers from University College Dublin and Letterkenny Institute of Technology.

If you would be interested in learning more about the project or would like to register your interest in attending, please email to join our mailing list. To help with planning and logistics, we would appreciate it if large groups would pre-register with us. Details are available on request.

The project has been generously supported by Science Foundation Ireland, Donegal County Council, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, the Earth and Natural Sciences Doctoral Studies Programme and the UCD College of Science.

The generosity of these sponsors and supporters means that we are in a position to offer a number of school groups priority entry to the event and to provide financial assistance with transport to and from your school. Again, if you are interested in learning more, please email your details to

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