I’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here!

Members might be interested in getting involved in I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! next academic year. This great programme connects students with working scientists and support them to see science as something “for them”. The activity supports your students’ science capital, showing them how their classroom learning relates to real-world careers. The text-based platform gives every student an equal voice, from the most confident to the most shy.

Take part with your students: https://imascientist.ie/signup/t

During the activity, students: 

  • Learn about scientists through their profiles, including their CVs

  • Connect with a diverse range of scientists in 30-minute, text-based, online Chats

  • Deepen their understanding and continue engaging with the scientists by sending follow-up questions

  • Decide which scientist deserves the €500 winner’s prize

  • Review their learning through a facilitated discussion

“They can give free-responses and ask anything they are interested in. I think they enjoy the autonomy. They also feel privileged to be able to chat directly with people they view as ‘important’!!!” Zoe, Teacher

By registering, you get automatic access to I’m an Engineer and I’m a Mathematician too. Matching enrichment to your students’ current learning couldn’t be easier – choose any theme that suits you to invite relevant scientists to a Chat, on demand, year-round.

Sign up to book a Chat: https://imascientist.ie/signup/t

Any questions, contact us at support@imascientist.ie or call +44 1225 667922.

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X Factor for Scientists 2013

I’m a Scientist is a free online science enrichment project, X Factor style competition for scientists, where secondary students are the judges. It’s coming back to Ireland for the second time this November 11th – 22nd.

I’m a Scientist & I’m an Engineer

I’m a Scientist and I’m an Engineer will be running in Ireland during Science Week this November to blow away the mad scientist stereotype and show students a slice of real science and engineering. 

For two weeks between the 10th and 21st November, students all over Ireland will be able to ask questions to, and take part in live text-based chats with real scientists and engineers in the free, online events. Students then vote for their favourite to win €500 to spend on further STEM engagement.
The online nature of the events helps to give all students a voice, and encourages students to ask the questions they might not be confident asking in front of the whole class. And students see that scientists and engineers are normal people, while being introduced the wide range of possibilities in STEM careers; it’s not all hard hats and white coats.
The events are totally free for schools and I’m a Scientist, has special zones just for primary schools; there’s also plenty of room for maths, engineering, and technology students in the I’m an Engineer event.
For more information, and to apply to take part with your students, visit: imascientist.ie/teachers or imanengineer.ie/teachers

I’m a Scientist get me out of here!

As part of Dublin City of Science 2012 “I’m a Scientist get me out of here!” will be run online over 2 weeks from 12th-23rd November, tying in with Science Week Ireland.
Students ASK scientists questions about science and beyond, have live CHATs with them and VOTE for their favourite scientist to win €500 to spend on science communication.
Students become more enthused about science, see how what they learn in science lessons relates to real life and see that scientists are normal people. It’s completely free for schools to take part.
Scientists develop their communication skills, get quick and iterative feedback, can take part from their lab or office, and have fun!
You can sign up as a teacher or a scientist, or follow on twitter (@imascientist) to find out more.

I’m a Scientist get me out of here!

As part of Dublin City of Science 2012 “I’m a Scientist get me out of here!” will be run online over 2 weeks from 12th-23rd November, tying in with Science Week Ireland.
Students ASK scientists questions about science and beyond, have live CHATs with them and VOTE for their favourite scientist to win €500 to spend on science communication.
Students become more enthused about science, see how what they learn in science lessons relates to real life and see that scientists are normal people. It’s completely free for schools to take part.
Scientists develop their communication skills, get quick and iterative feedback, can take part from their lab or office, and have fun!
You can sign up as a teacher or a scientist, or follow on twitter (@imascientist) to find out more.

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