ISTA Statement on the Additional Assessment Components in Senior Cycle Biology, Chemistry and Physics

At last Friday’s ISTA Council meeting, it was unanimously decided to formally dissociate from the Additional Assessment Components proposed in the revised Senior Cycle Biology, Chemistry and Physics specifications. This follows a similar decision made by the ASTI and IUA representatives on the Subject Development Groups for those subjects. A working group was established to prepare a statement on the rationale for the decision and to provide recommendations to address our valid and reasonable concerns around the proposed mode of assessment. That statement is attached below and has been shared with the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, and stakeholders in the NCCA, SEC, Department of Education and Oide.

The ISTA Council remains committed to Senior Cycle reform and acknowledge our curricula require updating. We will continue to work collaboratively with the National Council for Curriculum & Assessment, the State Examinations Commission and the Department of Education to ensure the excellent standard of science education is maintained but the relationship between those bodies and the ISTA must be mutually respectful. To date, the ISTA Council feel that the valid and reasonable concerns of science teachers have not been heard, respected or valued. The ISTA Council will continue to fully support the work of the Oide Science Team as they help teachers navigate the introduction of the new specifications.

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