Oide & SonS Workshop on SDGs

The Science team in Oide and Science on Stage Ireland are facilitating a face-to-face 2-hour evening workshop for all STEM teachers who are interested in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in STEM education.

The evening will support teachers in engaging with the SDGs in a practical way in their classrooms. There will be an opportunity for teachers to engage collaboratively to support students in engaging with the SDG’s in a practical way.

Sustainability and environmental protection are important topics for our students.

Join us as we explore these new interactive teaching materials that have been developed and trialled by 20 teachers from 12 European countries.

The materials are hands-on (many using sophisticated tools) and encourage students to become active and responsible citizens while promoting their interest in STEM subjects. This workshop is suitable for all science teachers including those of JC and TY. https://www.science-on-stage.eu/act-now-sdg

Attending participants will receive workshop notes, the latest SonS-Ireland book and a BBC microbit to engage within their classrooms

If you are interested in participating in this face-to-face event, please click on the link here.

Alternatively, go to the Oide online booking system at https://oide.ie/apply-book-now/teachers/ to book your place.

A Future workshop will take place in Galway

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Embedding an Investigative Approach into TY/JC Science topics

This workshop will provide teachers with a wealth of resources, activities, and ideas to enhance the teaching and learning of various topics in science through inquiry. 

The strategies that you will be introduced to are designed to stimulate student interest, engagement and involvement in TY . Activities can also be used in Junior Science. As students engage in these activities in your classroom, they develop their

 Literacy and Numeracy skills
 Higher order reasoning skills
 A deeper understanding of scientific concepts and scientific knowledge

This course will:

 Give a hands on approach to inquiry based learning suitable for TY / JC science
 Allow participants to explore a number of practical investigations
 Literacy, numeracy and assessment strategies will be incorporated into the session

Resources that will be provided will include:

 Updated Questions by Topic for 2013 HL and OL
 Wide range of resources for teaching TY science

To reserve a place on this course: http://goo.gl/KqVTK4
Visit http://www.pdst.ie/node/141 for information on Junior Science Courses 




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