What is Quantum Technology? A Public Lecture by Prof. Sir Peter Knight

The Maynooth University Faculty of Science and Engineering Dean’s Lecture, will take place on 11 March starting 7pm and will be delivered as the online lecture by Prof. Sir Peter Knight, Imperial College London.

We already live in a quantum-enabled world with devices powered by quantum mechanics affecting our everyday world (lasers, telecoms semiconductor chips, and much more). But we are now poised to exploit a hitherto largely unexplored technology capability enabled by some of the stranger aspects of quantum physics: quantum coherence and entanglement. These new capabilities include novel sensing, timing, imaging, and of course computing. I will describe these new quantum coherence capabilities and plans to develop the next generation of quantum technologies. Quantum Information Science is advancing our understanding of the physical world in remarkable ways. But it is also driving novel and disruptive technologies. I will describe plans for ensuring the advanced quantum science and demonstrator platforms in imaging, sensing, communications, and computing developed over the past five years or so will drive the formation of the quantum technology sector and embed quantum technology in a broad range of industries.

For more information and to book, please see https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/faculty-science-engineering/events/2021-fse-deans-lecture-what-quantum-technology-public-lecture-prof-sir-peter-knight

When: Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 19:00
Where: Online Lecture – Please Register

Please find the link to the Eventbrite page with event details enclosed below:

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