IoP Events Update

LC Physics Papers and Marking Schemes Review in association with ISTA and PDST Blackrock Ed Centre Wednesday 14th September 7.30pm. No booking required. Please bring copies of papers and marking schemes.

Institute of Physics – Frontiers of Physics 2016 Annual Conference for ALL Teachers of Physics, including Junior Science Teachers, on Saturday 24th September. School of Physics, Dublin Institute of Technology Grangegorman Campus. A day of talks, workshops,freebies, resources and networking. The keynote presentation will be delivered by the eminent physicist  Prof. Mike Cruise FRAS, FinstP, University of Birmingham and lead investigator on LIGO Gravitational Wave detector. BOOK NOW places limited

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2016 Leaving Cert Physics Papers

The Institute of Physics in Ireland is preparing an "Initial Response" to the State Examination Commission.
A full report will be sent to the SEC after the Marking Schemes have been published and the meetings in Blackrock Education Centre and at Frontiers of Physics in September. If you have any comments on these papers please send them to

A group will meet to discuss the Physics Exam papers on Tues 21st June starting at 7pm in Buswells Hotel, 23 Molesworth St. Dublin 2 (Opposite Dáil Eireann). Please let David Keenahan know if you can come along ( 

Other dates for your diary:

1.   Robert Boyle Summer School Programme June 23rd – 26th 2016 
      (More info at: )

 2.  Frontiers of Physics 2016  takes place Sat  24th Sept 2016, in  DIT, Grangegorman Campus, Dublin. (Prof. Mike Cruise is the keynote speaker. He was the lead investigator on LIGO Gravitational Wave detector. There will be lots of workshops and free resources).

Frontiers of Physics 2014

The Frontiers of Physics Annual Conference for Teachers of Physics, including Junior Science Teachers will take place on Saturday 27th September in the School Of Physical Sciences, DCU.

It will be a day of lectures, demonstrations, and workshops, resources and networking for all teachers of physics.

Damien English – Minister of State at the Departments of Education and Skills and Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation with Special Responsibility for Skills and Prof. Brian MacCraith, President DCU, have agreed to give opening presentations.

The keynote presentation will be delivered by the eminent physicist Prof. Frank Close OBE, FinstP, Exeter College, University of Oxford.

There will be other guest presenters from UK, Canada and Ireland. A discussion will take place on the 2014 Physics papers and marking schemes, which will form the basis of the Institute of Physics report to the SEC.

See for more details

Classroom Physics

March’s Classroom Physics focuses on the seasons. There are many misconceptions in this topic, so our pull-out is full of activities designed to help build students’ understanding…

STEM Education Review Group

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock, TD, announced the launch of a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) Education Review Group, which is expected to prepare a report on STEM education in Ireland over the next six months. 

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