STEM Transitions – bridging the gap between primary and post-primary education. The science event will be held on Thursday, 2nd October at St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra from 6.00 – 9.00pm. If you would like to get involved please contact Tugba Aysel:
The National Initiative in STEM Education and Practice (N-STEP) is an initiative of 3U, a partnership that combines complementary strengths of Dublin City University, NUI Maynooth and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra is leading one of the NStep projects and invites primary and post-primary educators with an interest in the teaching and learning of Science to participate in one of its events. We are keen to address the challenges teachers and students face in transitioning from primary to post-primary education within Science subjects. Our aim is to create a community of practice to identify positive solutions, share expertise and provide a network of support and action.
Why participate? This initiative will give teachers the opportunity to
- Meet other practitioners
- Harness expertise
- Have their voices heard
- Become part of a growing community of educators
- Access support
- Shape the future of transitions from primary to post-primary
The Mathematics event will be held on Thursday, 9th October at NUI Maynooth 7.00 – 9.00 pm.