PDST Chemistry Network Meetings

For the months of March & April Chemistry Network Meetings will take place from 7-9 pm in every Education Centre in the country. Places are limited so advance BOOKING ESSENTIAL. There will be two workshops: Resources for teaching Chemistry & Building a Website www.ichemistry.ie

From March 1st evening meetings will take place in every Education Centre in the country. Each of these meetings will consist of a workshop on the use of resources produced by a team of experienced Chemistry Teachers.
These resources include:
(i) PowerPoints
(ii) Past Exams and Solutions
(iii) Worksheets
(iv) Flash Animations
(v) Images
(vi) Video clips for each of the sections in the Chemistry syllabus
(vii) BBC History of the Atom (3 episodes) and History of Periodic Table (3 episodes)
(viii) Transition Year material


[gview file=”https://ista.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Chem-Flyer-2011.pdf”]

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New ICT Chemistry Resource Workshops

In March, evening meetings will take place in every Education Centre in the country. Each of these meetings will consist of a workshop to explore the use of NEW resources produced by a team of experienced teachers.

These resources include:

(i) Updated PowerPoint presentations with embedded Numeracy and Literacy suggestions, (ii) Past LC Exams and Solutions, (iii) DARTS in various topics, (iv) Flash Animations, (v) Images, (vi) Video clips for each of the sections in the Chemistry syllabus, (vii) BBC programs: History of the Atom (3 episodes) and History of Periodic Table (3 episodes), (viii) Transition Year material, (ix) Practical Videos,(x) Flash cards for Mobile phones,(xi) Sample lesson Plans. These workshops are organised in partnership with the Education Centres and with the local branches of the ISTA.

Participants will investigate how these resources could be used to stimulate and support the enhancement of Literacy and Numeracy in Chemistry.

There will also be instructions on how to download a wealth of Chemistry resources from the Chemistry website and the software required to do this will be available. Teachers will get the opportunity to log on to and explore the iChemistry website.

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